Ceai de cruşin – Frangulae Cortex

Ingredients: bark of buckthorn – Rhamnus frangula L., fam. Rhamnaceae.

Action: laxative, purgative, stimulates bile secretion and promotes the elimination of bile into the intestine.

Application: traditionally constipation, biliary dyskinesia.

Preparation: decoction. A teaspoon product in 200 ml boiling water for 15-20 minutes, strain and drink at room temperature.

Administration : 1 cup to drink before sleeping, constipation rebel repeat dose in the morning on an empty stomach in long-term cures start with lower doses (50 ml), which grow progressively. The recommended alternative and other laxatives – seeds in, prunes, no later than 7 days of treatment with buckthorn, for an equal period of time.

Restrictions: Do not use in children under 7 years.

Do not give pregnant women and nursing mothers. Do not use in colono-rectal cancer.